Prostate Health

Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer | Cancer of The Prostate Gland

Male Cancer | Prostate Cancer Symptoms

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a standout amongst the most widely recognized cancers influencing elder men and a noteworthy reason for death of elderly men, assessed by a few specialists to be around 3%. Prostate cancer is the development and rapid growth of abnormal cells in the prostate gland. The causes of this disease are still not clearly understood and there is currently no clear prevention strategy in place. The chance of developing prostate cancer is significantly higher in men who have a close relative with prostate cancer and those risks are heightened if the relative was diagnosed before the age of 60. If you have a family history of prostate cancer, talk to your doctor.

What are the symptoms?

In its early stages, prostate cancer may not show any symptoms. Symptoms of early prostate cancer can include:

–         Difficulty passing urine

–         a slow, interrupted flow of urine

–         Frequent passing of urine, including at night

–         Incontinence.

Symptoms linked with advanced prostate cancer include:

–         Blood in urine

–         Pain during urination

–         Lower back or pelvic pain.

These symptoms are also found in men who may have benign prostatic hyperplasia, which is a common, non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland. See your doctor If you experience these symptoms.

How is prostate cancer detected?

Unfortunately, there isn’t any magical test to detect prostate cancer. Your doctor may do a rectal exam to feel your prostate, this is called a digital rectal examination and it involves your doctor inserting a gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate gland. Some abnormality may be felt, but it is not possible to feel the entire prostate or a small cancer. A tumor that is out of reach of the finger may be missed.

The PSA test measures the level of PSA in your blood. It doesn’t exactly test for cancer but virtually all PSA is formed by the prostate gland so PSA above the typical range may indicate the possibility of prostate cancer. However, two thirds of cases of elevated PSA are due to noncancerous conditions such as prostatitis and BPH. If either of these tests suggest an abnormality, other tests are necessary to confirm a diagnosis of prostate cancer, usually a trans-rectal ultrasound and biopsy.

Should I have a PSA test?

Treatment may not be necessary and could affect your lifestyle but it could also save your life so it’s important to way up the benefits and risks before making your decision.Make your own decision about whether to be tested after a discussion with your doctor. Ensure you get good quality information to make an informed decision.

Pain management

In many cases, pain is manageable. No one should have to suffer, especially terminally ill cancer patients. Many of the major pain killers like morphine are controlled by the federal government, and the DEA has been very vigorous in accusing doctor´s for suspected “over prescription”.   This creates a problem because patients state that the pain is too great in lower quantities.

AIDS and cancer patients have long testified the positive affect of marijuana to reduce agony and improve appetite, which is often a common after effect of chemotherapy. California and Arizona have passed laws allowing doctors to prescribe marijuana for certain illnesses. Even the New England Journal of Medicine has favored doctors who prescribe marijuana. However, the federal government, not really caring about people´s pain, has threatened to charge any doctor prescribing it with a felony.

Lastly, there are a number of ways to deal with pain. If your pain management isn’t effective with your current doctor, find one who will help. No one deserves to have to live in pain.