Prostate Health

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia | What Is BPH

Enlarged Prostate Explained | Prostate Enlargement

What is BPH?

Benign prostatic hypertrophy is the continuous enlargement of the prostate which happens in most men as they age. This is by all accounts a characteristic procedure and is exceptionally regular influencing more than 10 million American men and 1 million Australian men; half of all men are beyond 50 and 80% of men beyond 70 years old. Why the prostate begins to grow is not particularly known but rather is thought to be identified with the impact of male hormones, including testosterone, on the maturing gland. Family history of prostate enlargement can likewise build the chances of developing BPH.

Benign prostatic hypertrophy

After the age of fifty or so, a man’s testosterone and free testosterone levels decrease while the levels of other hormones, such as prolactin and oestradiol, increase. This creates an increase in the amount of dihydrotestosterone– a very potent form of testosterone within the prostate. This causes a hyperplasia (overproduction) of prostate cells, which ultimately results in prostate enlargement. While not cancerous, as the gland gets bigger, it tends to squeeze the urethra causing urinary problems. If it becomes too large, it obstructs the urethral canal, interfering with urination and the ability to empty the bladder completely.

Bladder diseases are connected with both prostatitis and enlarged prostate. An enlarged prostate gland is not a major issue unless urinating turns out to be to a great degree of troublesome, or backed-up urine causes bladder diseases or kidney harm. Since the bladder can’t empty totally, the kidneys also may not empty as much as they should. Undesirable weight on the kidneys can bring about serious harm and conceivable kidney failure.

The significant symptom of expansion of the prostate is the need to pass urine much more frequently, with frequency expanding over the long haul. A man may wind up rising a few times in the night to urinate. There can likewise be agony, burning and trouble in beginning and stopping pee. The presence of blood in the pee is not unprecedented.

Symptoms of Benign Prostatitis

  • dysuria (painful urination)
  • urgency, the feeling of urgently needing to urinate
  • frequent and painful urination
  • painful ejaculation
  • lower back pain
  • perennial pain (pain at the base of the scrotum and penis)
  • chills
  • fever
  • muscular pain
  • general lack of energy

Effective Ways to Prevent and Avoid BPH

  • Avoid antihistamines and decongestants, which can make urinary problems worse.
  • If you are bothered by a frequent urge to urinate at night, cut down on beverages, especially alcohol and caffeine, before bedtime
  • Don´t postpone urinating, and take plenty of time. Try sitting on the toilet instead of standing. Remember the body is trying to get rid of waste, and the last thing you want to do is keep that waste inside you.
  • Avoid exposure to very cold weather.
  • Get regular exercise. Do not ride a bicycle, due to putting pressure on the prostate. Walking is good exercise.
  • Use hydrotherapy to increase circulation in the prostate region.
  • Eliminate from your lifestyle such items as tobacco, alcoholic beverages caffeine, chlorinated and fluoridated water, spicy and junk foods, and tomato products. Limit your exposure to pesticides and other environmental contaminants.
  • Take steps to reduce your blood cholesterol level. Studies have shown a connection between high cholesterol and prostate disorders.
  • Add more Zinc to your diet. Zinc deficiency is linked to enlargement of the prostate.